Monday, June 20, 2011

The Whole Truth---Idiot's Delight--Michelle Bachman

"There are hundreds and hundreds of scientists, many of them nobel prize winners, who believe in intelligent design"
"I want people in Minnesota armed and dangerous on this issue of the energy tax because we need to fight back."

   If Bachman is a serious candidate for president the country is in deep, deep

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The All-Idiot Olympics--Michelle Bachman versus Sarah Palin

Who is crazier? Who is dumber? I leave it to you to decide. I have compiled some of the Sayings of Michelle and Sarah and here is a sampling.
 "I don't know where they're going to get all this money because we are running out of rich people in this country." Bachman on why the rich should not be taxed more heavily.
"I want to help clean up the state that is so sorry today of journalism. And I have a communications degree." Sarah in an interview with Hannity.